1. Kwasi and his twin sister, Kiah, stepped off the school bus. As they walked home, Kwasi was deep in thought. Kiah chattered about her day, but Kwasi wasn't listening.
He was thinking about how much he wanted to take responsibility for the family's new horse. As they neared the training arena at the Rocking A Ranch, Kiah nudged Kwasi.
2. "Isn't Spirit beautiful?" Kiah asked.
3. True to his name, the one-year-old Arabian whinnied and reared with his ears laid back and his front hooves pawing the air. Spirit's strong back legs held his nine hundred-pound body upright for a few seconds. He clearly was unhappy about going through his training exercises.
4. The twins watched as the chestnut-colored horse calmed and started cutting a fine circle around Jarod, the Rocking A's horse trainer. With his head up, nose forward, and golden tail streaming behind, Spirit made wide rings. He trotted easily at the end of the thirty-foot strap that connected Spirit to Jarod's hand. Directing his pupil, Jarod used vocal commands to signal the horse's next move. "Walk," he said just loud
enough for Spirit to hear him. Spirit's gait slowed.
5. "Halt," Jarod said, shifting the strap from one hand to the other.
6. "Reverse," Jarod said, tugging on the strap.
Spirit cocked one ear forward and one back. He hesitated, paused for a moment, and stomped
a hoof on the ground. "Reverse," Jarod repeated in a louder voice. Spirit walked backward
a few steps.
7. When the training session ended, Jarod stroked the horse's neck. Then he released Spirit into a nearby pasture. He strolled over to talk to the twins.
8. "Do you think you're ready to take charge?" Jarod asked Kwasi.
9. "I think so," Kwasi said with some hesitation.
10. "Let's get together after you finish your chores. You can tell me everything you know about
caring for horses. We'll see if you are up to the
11. When the twins turned eight years old, they started doing chores that included caring for the horses. They mucked the stalls every day to remove manure and lay fresh straw. They neatly hung ropes and checked halters for
flexibility. They made sure that brushes, sponges, hoof picks, and sweat scrapers were clean and orderly. They checked the tack room to see
that first aid kits and other medical supplies
for the horses were in place. They cleaned and organized the horses' tack and equipment. The twins took turns feeding the horses. Sometimes they fed them grains, but usually they fed the horses fresh alfalfa and water.
12. After completing his chores, Kwasi met with Jarod and explained what he knew about horses. He talked about keeping the stable, horses, and himself safe. He discussed how to groom horses while watching for signs of illness. He pointed out that horses spooked easily and, if they felt threatened, they would run, jump, or kick. Jarod seemed impressed by Kwasi's knowledge.
13. "Now that you are fourteen, can you handle responsibility?" Jarod asked. Kwasi looked puzzled.
14. "Accepting sole responsibility of a horse is a
major commitment. What if you want to playa sport after school, but Spirit needs exercise at the same time? You can't wait to care for him at your convenience. Kiah might help, but she has other interests. You must be able to spend time with Spirit. Are you ready for that?"
15. Kwasi took a deep breath and nodded. "I would give up some things if Spirit were mine," he said firmly.
16. Jarod patted Kwasi on the back and said, "I'll talk to your folks."
17. The next day, Kwasi and Jarod took Spirit into the training arena. Kwasi held the line and gave the commands while Jarod guided the horse according to Kwasi's directions. Finally,
Jarod stepped away from Spirit, and Kwasi took control. Spirit trotted smoothly.
18. All of a sudden, a puff of wind blew a plastic bag into the arena. It landed in Spirit's path. He stopped, snorted, and laid his ears back. Starting to shy, he leaped sideways, raised his head, and dropped his back. He reared and then came down. He was ready to run away. Kwasi's heart thumped hard in his chest. He wasn't sure what to do, but he kept a firm grip on the line.
19. Jarod calmly called out, "He's nervous about
that bag. Loosen the lead and give him some slack. Reassure him. Don't let him think you are scared."
20. Kwasi tried not to show his nervousness. With all the confidence he could muster, he talked quietly to Spirit as he loosened the line. Almost immediately, the horse calmed down. Jarod walked toward Spirit and stroked his neck. Then he shook Kwasi' s hand. "I think you're ready," Jarod announced.
1. Kwasi และแฝดน้อง Kiah ก้าวออกจากรถโรงเรียน หน้าแรกเดิน Kwasi อยู่ลึกในความคิด Kiah chattered เกี่ยวกับวันของเธอ แต่ Kwasi ไม่ได้ฟังเขาได้คิดว่า จะต้องรับผิดชอบของครอบครัวใหม่ม้า ขณะที่พวกเขา neared เวทีการฝึกอบรมที่ไร่ A โยก Kiah nudged Kwasi 2. "ไม่ใช่จิตวิญญาณสวยงาม" Kiah ถามTrue ให้ชื่อของเขา อาหรับหนึ่งปี whinnied และผลิตภัณฑ์กับหูของเขาวางหลังและ hooves เป๋เขาหน้า pawing อากาศ ขาหลังแข็งแกร่งของจิตใจจัดขึ้นร่างกายของเขาเก้าร้อยปอนด์ตรงกี่วินาที เขาชัดเจนได้ความสุขเกี่ยวกับการผ่านการฝึกอบรมของเขา 4. คู่ดูเหมือนม้าเกาลัดสีสงบ และเริ่มตัดวงกลมปรับรอบ Jarod พี่เลี้ยงม้าโยกของ A มีศีรษะขึ้น จมูกหางไปข้างหน้า และทองกระแสหลัง วิญญาณทำวงกว้าง เขา trotted ง่ายที่สุดของสายที่สามสิบฟุตเชื่อมต่อจิตวิญญาณของ Jarod มือ ผู้กำกับนักเรียนของเขา Jarod vocal คำสั่งที่ใช้กับสัญญาณของม้าถัดไป "เดิน เขากล่าวว่า เพียงเสียงดังพอสำหรับจิตวิญญาณฟังเขา เดินของวิญญาณที่ชะลอตัว5. "หยุด กล่าวว่า Jarod ขยับสายจากมือหนึ่งไปอื่น ๆ6. "กลับ กล่าวว่า Jarod อีกบนสายจิตวิญญาณถูกผึ่งหูข้างหนึ่งไปข้างหน้าและหลังหนึ่ง เขา hesitated หยุดชั่วครู่ และ stompedกีบบนพื้นดิน "กลับ Jarod ซ้ำในเสียงดัง วิญญาณที่เดินย้อนกลับa few steps.7. When the training session ended, Jarod stroked the horse's neck. Then he released Spirit into a nearby pasture. He strolled over to talk to the twins.8. "Do you think you're ready to take charge?" Jarod asked Kwasi.9. "I think so," Kwasi said with some hesitation.10. "Let's get together after you finish your chores. You can tell me everything you know aboutcaring for horses. We'll see if you are up to thechallenge."11. When the twins turned eight years old, they started doing chores that included caring for the horses. They mucked the stalls every day to remove manure and lay fresh straw. They neatly hung ropes and checked halters forflexibility. They made sure that brushes, sponges, hoof picks, and sweat scrapers were clean and orderly. They checked the tack room to seethat first aid kits and other medical suppliesfor the horses were in place. They cleaned and organized the horses' tack and equipment. The twins took turns feeding the horses. Sometimes they fed them grains, but usually they fed the horses fresh alfalfa and water.12. After completing his chores, Kwasi met with Jarod and explained what he knew about horses. He talked about keeping the stable, horses, and himself safe. He discussed how to groom horses while watching for signs of illness. He pointed out that horses spooked easily and, if they felt threatened, they would run, jump, or kick. Jarod seemed impressed by Kwasi's knowledge.13. "Now that you are fourteen, can you handle responsibility?" Jarod asked. Kwasi looked puzzled.14. "Accepting sole responsibility of a horse is amajor commitment. What if you want to playa sport after school, but Spirit needs exercise at the same time? You can't wait to care for him at your convenience. Kiah might help, but she has other interests. You must be able to spend time with Spirit. Are you ready for that?"15. Kwasi took a deep breath and nodded. "I would give up some things if Spirit were mine," he said firmly.16. Jarod patted Kwasi on the back and said, "I'll talk to your folks."17. The next day, Kwasi and Jarod took Spirit into the training arena. Kwasi held the line and gave the commands while Jarod guided the horse according to Kwasi's directions. Finally,Jarod stepped away from Spirit, and Kwasi took control. Spirit trotted smoothly.18. All of a sudden, a puff of wind blew a plastic bag into the arena. It landed in Spirit's path. He stopped, snorted, and laid his ears back. Starting to shy, he leaped sideways, raised his head, and dropped his back. He reared and then came down. He was ready to run away. Kwasi's heart thumped hard in his chest. He wasn't sure what to do, but he kept a firm grip on the line.19. Jarod calmly called out, "He's nervous aboutthat bag. Loosen the lead and give him some slack. Reassure him. Don't let him think you are scared."20. Kwasi tried not to show his nervousness. With all the confidence he could muster, he talked quietly to Spirit as he loosened the line. Almost immediately, the horse calmed down. Jarod walked toward Spirit and stroked his neck. Then he shook Kwasi' s hand. "I think you're ready," Jarod announced.
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