And rank, was only a part of the reason why the large sects considered the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament to be important. The other reason was: Firstly, because the top ten ranking disciples would obtain prizes beyond compare, especially for the top three, for they would come from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region of the Four Great Sacred Grounds. Those were prizes money could not buy; even Blue Wind Empire’s top sects could not come up with such treasures! Secondly, the top ten ranking sects would have the right to explore the “Heaven Basin Secret Realm”, which only opened once every three years.
All the sects considered this “Heaven Basin Secret Realm” to be of the most importance.
The only reason the frequency of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament had increased to once every three years was because the frequency that the “Heaven Basin Secret Realm” was opened, increased from every ten years, to every five years, then to every three years.