Magnitude of inputs
In addition to whether the value of an innovation is positive or negative, the magnitude of the value is also important. If an innovation has a small value (positive or negative) the innovation involves small adjustments to the existing status--quo. Usually the benefits associated with these adjustments can be clearly assessed. Occasionally, benefits may have substantial variability associated, since a small change in performance may allow for new applications of a process or product that cannot be clearly assessed a priori. In most cases adjustments in inputs can be made to incorporate an innovation that has a small positive or negative value as the innovation does not differ greatly from the status- quo. As the magnitude of the innovation increases, the amount of adjustment required is much greater and more difficult. However, innovations with a large positive magnitude are easier to incorporate and exploit, than their negative counterparts, as these positive innovations are consistent with current practices and competencies. The positive innovation, therefore, involve reinforcing or extending existing practices and competencies. Innovations with a large negative magnitude require very different consideration and action. As stated earlier a negative value suggests that the innovation does not build on existing strengths and trajectories, but different competencies. While economists such as Kondratieff, Schumpeter, and Kuznets described the impact of these negative innovations from the perspective of an entire economy, the same ideas have been considered from the perspective of industries and firms.