*We'll Pick Up Right Where We Left Off: After seeing their very first walker -- which will be called "the infected" in Fear -- at the end of last week's premiere, Madison (Kim Dickens) and Travis (Cliff Curtis) are terrified and hell-bent on escaping L.A. to avoid "that bug" that's going around. But of course, nothing in the Walking Dead universe ever goes according to plan...
*Expect Thrills and Plenty of Chills: As Nick begins to come down from his adrenaline high of drugs, -- and the fact that he just ran over one of his best friends with a truck! -- a vicious withdrawal shocks his system. Spoiler Alert: If watching someone throw-up makes you queasy, then you might want to brace yourself. (Or, let's be honest, you should watch a different show because things are about to get really gory, y'all!)
*New Faces and Fears: At one point in the hour, Travis will come face-to-face with some unlikely allies who will help him in a time of need. "We have new characters that come into our family and our community that really liven things up," Curtis spilled with no pun intended. "And [they] have got skills that we may not have and that helps us sort of to adapt." Our favorite new character? Ofelia Salazar (Mercedes Mason), a sweet young woman who has been sheltered by her family for her entire life -- but all of that could quickly change. "The nice ones are always the first to die, [so] she has to grow a set," Mason spilled at the Summer TCA press tour.
*Love and Zombies Don't Mix: We'll keep this one pretty vague, but it doesn't take a TV expert to realize there must have been an important reason why Alicia's boyfriend Matt stood her up for a date in last week's episode.
*Don't Mess With Madison: We already know that Madison is a fierce mama bear who will do anything to protect her children, but her level of badass-ery triples by the end of this Sun day night's sophomore episode. "It's been fascinating to play these characters to watch them sort of navigate this and come to grips with it as the information trickles in and as society starts to crumble," Dickens explained of her character's evolution. (Note-to-Readers: You'll never look at a fire extinguisher the same way again...)
*This Is Only the Beginning: This slow-burning tale is about to catch fire in this week's all-new hour. "As the impending apocalypse starts to become apparent to us -- because it doesn't start off that way -- the city starts to fall and that's what's scary," Curtis spilled.