Haha! I forgot ... you are too kind to kill anything. I just thought it would be cool and a bit scary if you had a gun. Hehe. I have never handled a gun in normal. Except back in the late 90-ies I had to serve army duty. It was mandotary. One year in the Force. It was the opposite of what my personal politics were. It was pure hell. And pure stupidity. We had to get up at six in the morning, starting the day with cleaning the room. Perfectly. Then higher ranked idiots came with white gloves to check up if there was any dust. We had to make long marches. I learned to take a army gun in pieces, polish it and put it together again. We had shooting training sometimes. I was a lousy shooter. I could not the frame of the target. It lasted for three months, and then nine months of other stuff. I was smart enough to get an educational position. But I still hated being there. This was not so long after the Cold war. My country is neighbour to Russia, so we were stuck in an old position, even though there was absolutely NO enemy in Europe what soever. Hehe. This is some 17 years ago now. I am getting old. Talking about old stuff from the past. My mother was happy when I visited my parents. I had learned to clean my room and make a perfect bed sheet. She was impressed. Hehe. And I had to travel in this stupid uniform. With a stupid hat. Some women think it is really cool with army men. In uniform. I felt like dressed up like a chicken. I regret now I did not refuse the whole system. But back then you could go to jail, to deny one year of Army Duty. So I chickened out, and worked one whole year of my young life in Army Duty. I was pissed off for years after that. :) :) :)