Who says print is dead? Maybe it's just on an extended bathroom break.
Mexican free newspaper Mas Por Mas recently rigged paper towel dispensers in select corporate, mall and cinema toilets around Mexico City with WiFi printers. When patrons reached for towels, the machines spat out real-time breaking news from Mas Por Mas on each sheet.
First we had TP tweets, now this. We are truly living in a golden age.
QR codes directed users to the free newspaper's website, where unique visits reportedly increased almost 40 percent in two weeks. So I guess the printers didn't stall very much. (Ha! Public restroom humor!)
Check out the case-study video below. Most of the patrons seem amused … except for the dude around 1:40, who looks peeved. Or maybe he just smelled something.
The folks who didn't practice good hygiene and wash up after going about their business missed out on the paper-towel content. Newsflash: Wash your filthy hands, people!