Ok... the past couple years I have gone through some pretty massive transitions and like all of us, I have dealt if my share of challenges. I am at peace and happy with my life. On FB just like so many others.. I like to share many things here... I share quotes, my own thoughts, art, spiritual growth, photography of my life etc... Anyone who wants to scroll through my photos and has a problem with my personal profile, thus negatively judge me.. put me down for being happy in pics or send any kind of negative abusive attacks of any kind my way... don't expect me to not stand up for myself!! Being kind and spiritual is not my invitation for being a dumping ground for troll attacks. I DO NOT tolerate abuse of any kind... EVER! I will not be afraid to speak up and block .. whatever... if you do not like me.. then scram.. it's as simple as that. Many blessings and I wish all a beautiful day.