Kalamansi juice is the most common acid sourceused by housewives and restauranteurs to prepareCSP. The taste of CSP is usually associated with abalance of spiciness (hotness), saltiness and sourness.Mean score of the overall sensory acceptability forCSP with different pH levels using kalamansi juice asan acid source is shown in Table 2. Results indicatedthat CSP with pH 4.0 has the highest mean score whichwas 7.0. However, CSP with pH 3.0 was significantlydifferent (p<0.05) compared to samples with pH 3.5and 4.0. Samples with pH 3.0, 4.5 and 5.0 were notsignificantly different (p<0.05) from each other andwere less preferred compared to those with pH 3.5and 4.0. The sourness for samples with pH 3.0 wasprobably too intense for panelists, while CSP withpH 4.5 and 5.0 probably did not provide sufficientacid taste and flavor as expected by the panelists.
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