Objective: Investigate the relationship between physical activity and components of the Transtheoretical
model (TTM), in an older clinical population.
Method: 85 people with Type 2 diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease (age 64.8 8.2 yrs) completed
TTM questionnaires. Physical activity was assessed using the 7-day recall questionnaire.
Results: Differences across stage of change were found for physical activity, self-efficacy, the pros of more
physical active and 5 processes of change. Physical activity, self-efficacy and the pros of more activity
were greater in the maintenance than contemplation stage. Stage differences in processes were:
consciousness raising (increased contemplation to action), self-liberation (increased contemplation to
maintenance), helping relationships (increased preparation to maintenance), counter conditioning
(increased contemplation to preparation, action and maintenance) and reinforcement management
(increased contemplation and preparation to maintenance). Experiential processes were used more than
behavioural processes in the preparation stage.
Conclusions: Findings support the theoretical predictions of the TTM and the use of this model in older
clinical populations.