Terrestrial blood-sucking leeches (Haemadipsidae) are common in the damp forests of the subtropical and tropical Indo-Pacific region. Members of the genus Haemadipsa are abundant in Laos and adjacent countries of Southeast Asia, and discomfort to people and livestock. Plant-derived repellents against arthropods and leeches are common in Lao PDR, and have been used by Lao ethnic groups for generations. Numerous studies have been conducted on the efficacy of traditional plant-derived repellents against mosquitoes but only a few on repellents against terrestrial blood-sucking leeches. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the leech repellent activities of aqueous extracts of three traditionally used plant species, Sapindus rarak DC., Catunaregam spathulifolia Tirv. and Vernonia elaeagnifolia DC. Stockings impregnated with aqueous extracts exhibited moderate to high leech repellent activity, C. spathulifolia (62.6%), V. elaeagnifolia (63.0%), and S. rarak (82.6%). The corresponding repellencies of deltamethrin and DEET were 73.1% and 88.4%, respectively. An aqueous extract of S. rarak applied on cloth at a concentration of 1.9 mg/cm2 is an effective and practical prevention method significantly reducing the number of blood-feeding leeches recorded on stockings worn by humans. This plant species is common in Southeast Asia and can be obtained at limited or no cost.