However, during the construction of the first, just 5 years after start construction, it was found that the This tower began to lean down to the north.However, architect, Giovanni Di Simone, it continues to build on and the tower leaning down, expert says Because the ground is used in the construction quality.But with the materials used in construction, which is made from limestone and lime. It can bend and withstand any better than other materials. . like stone or brick. This is the reason why this tower will not collapse. But back then.Lie down gradually
This was during the construction of the first part, just 5 years after the start of construction, it was found that this began leaning tower of North down and for the first time be able to notice the unusual Tower located in the range, with the construction of two additional ranges. But the architect Giovanni di Xin was still ahead Naples module to create, and why the Tower leans down, experts indicate that because of the ground which was used in the construction of not permitting. Because the soil is mixed sand, chandin and clay mud is not strong enough to support the weight of a large Tower, with the materials used in construction, which is made from limestone and lime with strong resistance properties can bend and various other materials, they were better than the stones or bricks are the causes why Tower of this collapse. But gradually increasing investment property