the degree of dominance of the market and the effectiveness of
anti-monopoly policy. Another part is made of the extent and effect of
taxation and the taxation rate. Certainly the competitive environment is
directly affected by the ways and forms of taxation as their size and number
depend on the investment decisions and strategies concerning economic
development activities of companies both nationally and internationally.
From this aspect we should highlight other 2 factors with direct feedback,
such as the number of days required to develop a business, and also the
number of procedures required to start a business. Looking forward to goods
market efficiency issue from a competition perspective, we cannot address
the topic of trade barriers and tariffs. Trade barriers are trade policy
instruments that affect imports and exports (G & G, 2009: 109). Then,
another determinant factor is the business impact on rules regarding FDI. If
the pressure is higher in this point of view, the rules volatility suffers more.
Also, the burden of customs procedures and import levels affect directly and
decisive competitive environment. Finally, the degree of customer
orientation and the level of diversification
the degree of dominance of the market and the effectiveness ofanti-monopoly policy. Another part is made of the extent and effect oftaxation and the taxation rate. Certainly the competitive environment isdirectly affected by the ways and forms of taxation as their size and numberdepend on the investment decisions and strategies concerning economicdevelopment activities of companies both nationally and internationally.From this aspect we should highlight other 2 factors with direct feedback,such as the number of days required to develop a business, and also thenumber of procedures required to start a business. Looking forward to goodsmarket efficiency issue from a competition perspective, we cannot addressthe topic of trade barriers and tariffs. Trade barriers are trade policyinstruments that affect imports and exports (G & G, 2009: 109). Then,another determinant factor is the business impact on rules regarding FDI. Ifthe pressure is higher in this point of view, the rules volatility suffers more.Also, the burden of customs procedures and import levels affect directly anddecisive competitive environment. Finally, the degree of customerorientation and the level of diversification
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