When a surge in client requests overloads a server, server response becomes slow, and the server is unable to respond to new requests. The Surge Protection feature ensures that connections to the server occur at a rate that the server can handle. The response rate depends on how surge protection is configured. The NetScaler appliance also tracks the number of connections to the server, and uses that information to adjust the rate at which it opens new server connections.
Surge protection is enabled by default. If you do not want to use surge protection, as will be the case with some special configurations, you must disable it.
The default surge protection settings are sufficient for most uses, but you can configure surge protection to tune it for your needs. First, you can set the throttle value to tell it how aggressively to manage connection attempts. Second you can set the base threshold value to control the maximum number of concurrent connections that the NetScaler appliance will allow before triggering surge protection. (The default base threshold value is set by the throttle value, but after setting the throttle value you can change it to any number you want.)