Data Collection All data were recorded on a plot basis. Days to flower was determined as the number of days from date of seeding to approximately 20% of the plants in a plot having open flowers. Days to maturity was determined as the number of days from date of seeding to physiological or swathing maturity, i.e., when about 95% of the pods had changed colour and the seeds were firm, representing a moisture content of about 25%. Crop height (cm) was the mean of two or three measurements made near the centre of each plot after flowering and prior to swathing maturity. Lodging severity was determined after flowering and prior to swathing maturity using a 1 (plants erect) to 5 (plants flat on ground) visual rating scale. To determine seed yield, plots were harvested separately at full plant maturity using a Hege 140 plot combine; seed was then dried to approximately 7% moisture content, cleaned, weighed (g) and g plot–1 values converted to kg ha–1 based on plot dimensions for each location. Thousandseed weight was measured on a randomly selected sample of 500 counted seeds dried to < 5% moisture content and expressed as grams per 1000 seeds. Oil content, reported as percent whole seed on a dry weight (zero moisture) basis, was determined on 20.0 g of seed using a Newport nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer [American Oil Chemist Society (AOCS) 2000, Recommended Practice Ak 3-94]. Protein content, reported as percent whole seed on a dry weight basis, was determined on 0.5 g of seed by the Dumas Combustion method (AOCS 1999, Official Method Ba 4e93); total nitrogen content of the seed was measured and the value was multiplied by a correction factor of 6.25 to give a value for protein. Oil and protein contents of seed harvested in 2005 were determined on 5.0 g of whole seed using nearinfrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy (FOSS NIRSystems model 6500 spectrometer, spinning cup autosampler, WIN ISI II calibration software); NIR calibration sets were developed by Dr. J. P. Raney, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon. Fatty acid composition of the seed oil was determined by the method of Thies (1971), except that gas chromatography of the fatty acylmethyl esters was performed with a 0.32 mm (internal diameter) × 0.5 µm (phase thickness) ×15 m (length) HP-Innowax fused silica capillary column. The methyl esters were prepared by base-catalyzed transesterification using sodium methoxide in methanol and hexane on oil extracted from 2.0 g of crushed seed. Individual fatty acids are reported as mass percent of total fatty acids, and averages are the arithmetic mean of all available data.
Data Collection All data were recorded on a plot basis. Days to flower was determined as the number of days from date of seeding to approximately 20% of the plants in a plot having open flowers. Days to maturity was determined as the number of days from date of seeding to physiological or swathing maturity, i.e., when about 95% of the pods had changed colour and the seeds were firm, representing a moisture content of about 25%. Crop height (cm) was the mean of two or three measurements made near the centre of each plot after flowering and prior to swathing maturity. Lodging severity was determined after flowering and prior to swathing maturity using a 1 (plants erect) to 5 (plants flat on ground) visual rating scale. To determine seed yield, plots were harvested separately at full plant maturity using a Hege 140 plot combine; seed was then dried to approximately 7% moisture content, cleaned, weighed (g) and g plot–1 values converted to kg ha–1 based on plot dimensions for each location. Thousandseed weight was measured on a randomly selected sample of 500 counted seeds dried to < 5% moisture content and expressed as grams per 1000 seeds. Oil content, reported as percent whole seed on a dry weight (zero moisture) basis, was determined on 20.0 g of seed using a Newport nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer [American Oil Chemist Society (AOCS) 2000, Recommended Practice Ak 3-94]. Protein content, reported as percent whole seed on a dry weight basis, was determined on 0.5 g of seed by the Dumas Combustion method (AOCS 1999, Official Method Ba 4e93); total nitrogen content of the seed was measured and the value was multiplied by a correction factor of 6.25 to give a value for protein. Oil and protein contents of seed harvested in 2005 were determined on 5.0 g of whole seed using nearinfrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy (FOSS NIRSystems model 6500 spectrometer, spinning cup autosampler, WIN ISI II calibration software); NIR calibration sets were developed by Dr. J. P. Raney, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon. Fatty acid composition of the seed oil was determined by the method of Thies (1971), except that gas chromatography of the fatty acylmethyl esters was performed with a 0.32 mm (internal diameter) × 0.5 µm (phase thickness) ×15 m (length) HP-Innowax fused silica capillary column. The methyl esters were prepared by base-catalyzed transesterification using sodium methoxide in methanol and hexane on oil extracted from 2.0 g of crushed seed. Individual fatty acids are reported as mass percent of total fatty acids, and averages are the arithmetic mean of all available data.
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