Prior research indicated the ability of concentrated metabolites from Xenorhabdus spp. and Photorhabdusspp. to suppress a variety of peach and pecan diseases in vitro, and on detached pecan leaves or terminals. In the current study, our objectives were to (1) determine if bacterial broths (in addition to concentrated metabolites tested previously) have suppressive ability and (2) determine if metabolites or bacterial broths are active in a soil medium. In laboratory studies, two pathogens of pecan (Fusicladium effusum and Phytophthora cactorum) and one peach pathogen (Armillaria tabescens) were tested for susceptibility to Xenorhabdus bovienii (SN) and Photorhabdus luminescens (VS) bacterial broths or concentrated metabolites on three different substrates. Treatments were applied to lesions of F. effusumon terminals to ascertain any suppressive effect on sporulation, to A. tabescens in soil to determine effect on survival of mycelia, and to lesions caused by P. cactorum on pecan leaf surfaces to assess any reduction in lesion development.