Part I: Outlining (5%)
Instructions: Read the passages and complete the outlines that follow.
Passage 1
When snow and ice cover the ground, it can be very hard for animals to live or find food during winter. However, some animals can get through this hard time in different ways. Migrating is a good way to avoid the cold for some animals. For example, birds and butterflies can fly to a place with nice weather; then, they fly back home in the spring. We call this migration. Another good way to avoid the cold is to hibernate or sleep through it. Many animals hide and sleep during the winter. Their bodies slow down, so they save their energy. They do not eat. They live off of their fat. They do this until food returns. We call this hibernation. Snakes, frogs, and bears hibernate. Some animals store food in their homes. They do not sleep all winter, but they do much less. They live on the foods they collected in the summer and fall. This is what squirrels, beavers, and raccoons do. Other animals tough it out. They do not leave. They do not hide. They must survive. Sometimes nature helps them out. These animals grow thicker coats or change the color in winder. The arctic fox is brown in the summer, but his coat turns white in the winter, for example. In conclusion, winter may be pretty. It is nice to see snow on the trees. But it is dangerous too.
Topic: Ways Animals Get Through Winters
I. Some animals get through the cold by migrating
A. Birds
B. Butterflies
II. Some animals get through the cold by 1.__ hibernating _____________
A. Snakes
B. Frogs
C. 2.___ Bears ________________
III. Some animals get through the cold by 3.___ storing food ___________
A. Squirrels
B. Beavers
C. Raccoons
IV. 4.__ Some animals get through the cold by growing coat and changing color ____
A. 5.___ Artic foxes ___________
Passage 2
Everyone knows that reading provides us with knowledge. The more we read, the more knowledge we gain. However, reading can do a lot more than this. There are many benefits of reading. First of all, reading helps you exercise your brain. When people get old, their muscles begin to get weaker. The same thing happens to people's brains. For example, brain power and speed decline when people get older. So, reading can strengthen your brain and prevents these declines. Reading also helps you understand more about the world. Each time you read, you get new ideas and perspectives. It can give you a broader perspective on things. For instance, you can learn about different cultures and lifestyles of people living in faraway places. Reading is good for your state of mind, too. It can lower your stress levels and help you relax. For example, you can escape from your daily troubles for a moment when you read, and it's a positive escape. Therefore, reading has many positive effects. The next time you get a reading assignment, take as much as you can from it.
Topic: 6.__ Benefits of Reading _________________
I. It helps you exercise your brain
A. Prevent the decline in your brain power
B. Prevent the decline in your brain speed
II. It helps you 7.____ understand more about the world ____
A. Learn about people’s 8.___ lifestyles_____
B. Learn about people’s 9.____ cultures_____
III. It is good for your state of mind
A. 10.___ Lower your stress level__________
B. Help you relax
Part II: Summarizing (5%)
Instructions: Write a sentence that summarizes its main idea of each passage.
*ถ้าลอกประโยคจากเรื่องมาตอบให้ 0 คะแนน หรือ ถ้าเขียนสรุปมาเกิน 1 ประโยค ให้ 0.5 คะแนน (กรณีประโยคใดประโยคหนึ่งมีเนื้อหาครอบคลุม)
Passage 1
In my language, we have different ways to address people. One is the intimate second form that is generally used with family members, friends, and people of the same age; one is more formal, using the third person. For me, it is easier to use the formal way when I address elderly people or people I don't know, but young generations are now using the intimate second form everywhere and with everybody.
Keyword two/different ways, address people, the intimate second form, formal form (0.25 each)
- There are two ways to address people: the intimate second form and formal form.
Passage 2
Shopping malls have become a part of Americans’ societies. Before 1950, there were no malls, but now almost every city or region has at least one. In fact, shopping malls have become a part of daily life. People think of them as social centers. For example, malls have taken the place of Main Street. Shops and services are now in one place at the mall. Busy householders can save time by doing their shopping at the mall. And young and old people with time on their hands, often say, “Let’s go to the mall!”
Keyword Changes of living habit in the US./American living habits, a part of daily life, social centres (role), time saving (0.20 each)
- Malls have become a part of American society as it is a part of daily life, becomes a social centre and helps people save time.