so in this video we're going to see about the hydraulic circuit and its
0:05operation for a mooring winch which is found on the outside of outside of the
0:12show so here's the simple hydraulics acute which we use for the morning
0:19winches a the opposite of forward set of the ship and the competence are
0:27mentioned over here these are very simple and let's start with the
0:31hydraulic oil tank which is usually located in the safest location or closed
0:39location where within the forecast in the bowls in store are everything the
0:44steering gear compartment and the tank has heating coils just to maintain the
0:51temperature of oil during cold climates and you have a high-level and low-level
0:56alarms and with the level gauge which is not ruin here and apart from that you
1:02will be having a filling connection and went to these locations which are not
1:06shown here and the pump take suction from this tank to a strainer or a
1:13magnetic filter depending on the application and this pump is Yuri
1:18directional constant flow pump and upon discharge which is at a higher pressure
1:24which have indicated with this red color is the hyper side of the system and you
1:29have an accumulator as we all know the accumulator reduces the pressure
1:34pulsations on that Assad's line and the accumulator is spring-loaded as you can
1:41see it can also be gas-charged but usually will have spring loaded and
1:48spring thickness and resistance or the tension that reminds the accumulator
1:55pressure and the hydraulic oil flows insiders heat exchanger are usually
2:01cooler which is called by seawater and this seawater in letting our Inlet
2:06connection use usually from the fire pump of the fire and GS pump you need
2:12not have a
2:13separate see what of our confidence because this is a temporary application
2:18you're not going to use this morning which forever so it's sort of continuous
2:22operation so from the cooler the high pressure oil goes to the main control
2:28while this is the main control while and from the control while it goes to the
2:33hydraulic motor and get this motor can rotate and two directions one is forward
2:40and one is ruthless and then it the exhaust are the low pressure oil that is
2:46the high pressure oil after doing book becomes low pressure and then passes
2:54through this control valve and go back to the tank so now you have two
3:02important competence 1 is the bypass one and one is the relief valve as we all
3:08know the relief while is just to prevent excess pressure in the system on the
3:14desired site and the bypass while was basically the flow control valve so now
3:23the bypass while is used for a the law high-speed operation so let's now see
3:32how the system works now i'm going to put it in high-speed operation so the
3:39signal from here goes and operates this solid night which means it's a
3:45spring-loaded to position to port solenoid operated spring-loaded control
3:52valve this is what the terminology is so when I put it in high-speed operation
3:57the signal the energizes the solid line and us this area there's the arrow
4:05shifts to this place and thus the sports are blocked
4:10there's no more oil flowed through this does the bypass action is stopped
4:15that's the full flow of oil flows directly to the control one achieving a
4:21very high speed of the winds from
4:23so if i'm going to put the liver too low speed the signal from here again goes
4:31through this and operates the solenoid one which means the arrow is going to
4:36ship this position in this place and arrow
4:40I mean the but allow some high pressure oil to bypass and go to the return line
4:47then the amount of oil flowing to the hydraulic motor reduces antis achieves a
4:54low speed operation and let's now see about the forward and reverse operation
5:00now as it is indicated here
5:03the liver is a neutral position or stop position and here whenever the pump runs
5:10it goes inside the cooler and enters the flow control valve one goes to the
5:16return line here so the oil does not go to the hydraulic motor at all so let's
5:21now see and we'll put this and forward operation I'm overly with the forward
5:26side that's the signal from here goes to the solenoid one and then shifts this to
5:34hear so the oil flow starts to flow this site and then rotates the hydraulic
5:41motor and test the written again is connected back through this arrow
5:45connected back to the return line and goes to the tank now when I bring again
5:50at two neutral the arrows which were here shifts back and blocks the
5:56hydraulic oil flow to the hydraulic motor when I put it in reverse direction
6:01the high pressure oil this control position goes here and the high pressure
6:08oil goes here its cross so the scrolls here and rotates the motor in opposite
6:15direction and return comes back again through this arrow comes back here and
6:22then goes to the tank s