A s one of the major vibration sources, the he
licopter rotor has gained severe attentions for a long
time in foreig n researches, and a lot of efforts had
been given to achieve helicopter vibration reduction
by decreasing the vibratory loads f rom t he rotor.
T he design optimizations mainly focused on rotor
blade dynamic characteristics ( including natural
frequency and mode shape) , rotor hub vibratory
load ( especially N / rev load) and hub vibration lev
el. T he rotor blade w eight, autorotation inertia
and aeroelastic stability w ere usually selected as op
timization objective functions or constraints, while
blade mass and/ or stiffness spanw ise dist ributions,
aerodynam ic parameters ( such as blade platform,
pretw ist law, and tip shape, etc. ) , as well as t he
ply angle of com posite layups in blade crosssection
struct ures, were used as design variables in opti
m izations[ 1] . How ever, the blade struct ural models
adopted in these researches w ere aw fully simplified
even in the latest reference paper[ 2] , and for t he
sake of easy optimization process, a simple tw obox
beam section model was chosen as the optim izing
composite blade, w hich w as act ually much differ
ent f rom the real designed blades, so as to lead to a
result that would be far from t he real helicopter sit