The ejector is not a convenience but an economic asset it reduces the time for removal of the past . As an example ,it took 0.02minute to grip a part lift it out of the fixture and place it in the tote pan. With an ejector used for lifiting ,the same operation was reducrd to 0.08 minute. This time saving may appear small however,for large-volume production.with short duration operation cycles,evrry saving represants a significant cycles,every saving represents a significant percentage of the total by eliminating the need for finger and hand space for gripping the part the ejectere permits a reduction of the overall dimensions. Thus the cost-of the fixture.the ejector pins can be located to suit the part configuration so that side-hravy parts are lifted free and clrar,in perfect balance.
In this way,ejecters eliemnate inconvenient and awkward hand maniputation and reduce operater fatigur. There are several reasons why parts may bind in the fixfure. It may be form distortion during machining,as previously discussed ,or it may be because the part has a locational interference fit (...) against the locator to ensure close to lerances.the part is tapped down in place when loaded in to the fixture . Removal reguires the application of some foree,but is earlly done with ejectors.
For maximum time saving ,the opperation of the ejector can be automatic and coupled with the release of the clamp. The combined mechanism can be powered hydraulically or by compressed air.