Now all employees are experiencing is the water within the office clean. And I'm afraid if you don't fix the long will harm the health
1.Drinking water in the office is not clean. The smell of chlorine is quite severe. And sometimes it is the sediment out mixed with water 2
.The sequel office we rented last longer than 22 years. The lifetime of the pipeline water supply can last quite a long time As a result, the plaque and stain rust flow mixed with water that we drink
3.There are many employees fear, dare not drink them. Have to pay money to buy each other daily drinking water 4
.Our filter used here. The price is not high the properties of the machine is quite low. Cannot filter water for drinking, clean.Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a new filter with high quality as that in the past. To make the drink with the staff. And most importantly, show that the company has attention and care about the health of employees.