okay my darling and i am so happy reading your message and i also thank the almighty God who has made it possible for two of us to meet and with the oath i took as a soldier to defend my country i uphold the same oath to you to love and care for you with my life and my last drop of my blood. darling i love you so much because you are such a romantic person and i will be happy if i can have you for the rest of my life. actually like i told you in my previous message my assignment here will finish next month and i will be going back to my country by next month and i am planning to come visit you in your country by ending next month so that we can be able to plan more about the investment and Honestly i will do anything just to assure you first that i sincerely want to come over to your and so please i have something very important to discuss and do with you but i want to know something CAN I TRUST YOU? The thing i want to discuss with you is my life so if you assure me of your trust i will tell you details and with it you can be very sure that i want to invest in your country with love from your darling.