1. The FMOH the Pharmacy Council of Nigeria and other stakeholders should Convene a stakeholders meeting to discuss the current practices and potential roles that PMVs can play in selling and administering injectable contraception services in Nigeria especially given that PMVs are the first point of contact for many people who practice self-care for reproductive health
2. The NAPMED with the support of governmental and
relevant nongovernmental agencies should support and organize continuing education programs for PMVs to improve their provision of family planning services.
3. Given the growing importance of family planning
in Nigeria contraceptives-including injectable
contraceptives-should be added to the list of drugs that
PMVs are expected to stock in their shops.
4.Despite the finding that some PMVs are administering
injectable contraceptivea more evidence is needed to
determine the safety and feasibility of this practice.Apilot study should be conducted to train PMVs to counsel women sbout injectables screen women for eligibility
sell the method and administer injectione with close
supervision and monitoring by the NAPMED and the
FMOH.The PMVs should also be trained to refer clients to
health facilites for complications and for the provison of
long-acting and permanent methods of contraception.
continus these practices because they are often the nearest health providers to
people living in medically underserved communities.However fewer than half of
the PMVs surveyed in this study had ever been formally trained to provide family
planning services.needed to ensure that
PMVs are a safe contact for clients with family planning needs.