Fungicides were separated and determined in a Hewlett Packard modle6890 Gas Chromatography system fitted with NP and EC-detector and with a DB-608(30m × 0.53mmi.d.)column for EC-detector and a BPX-5(30m × 0.32mmi.d.)column for NP-detector and equipped with a Chemstation chromatography manager data acquisition and processing system.the gas chromatograph oven temperature program started from 60°C for 1.5min, increased to 220°C with a rate of 14°C/min,held for 4min and then increased to 280°C(with20°C/min) and held for 20 min.The carrier gas(helium)flow rate was 5mL/min for DB-608 and1.5mLmin for BPX-5 columns;injector temperature was at 230°C and the splitless injection was carried out with purge valve on at 1 min.Hydrogen(3mL/min) and air(60mL/min) were used as fuel gases for the NPD,while nitrogen (60mL/min) and helium(6mL/min)were used as auxiliary gases for the ECD.Both detectors temperature was at 310°C.