F. schultzei nymphs between 48 and 72 h of
age in the first or second instar were used for
bioassay purpose (PINENT; CARVALHO, 1998).
Ten F. schultzei nymphs were transfered to the
abaxial face of jack-bean cotyledonary leaves
(repetition) with the aid of a fine-bristle brush and
funnel with a cut tip, since they are very agile. The
test solutions containing essential oil were sprayed
on both sides of the leaf. A cotton swab was placed
on the petiole of the jack-bean leaves and placed in
an anesthetic vial containing distilled water to
maintain leaf turgidity. The dishes were sealed with
plastic wrap containing six pin holes to allow gas
and moisture exchange.
The bioassay was carried out with M.
persicae nymphs between 24 and 48 h of age in the
first or second instar (CHAGAS FILHO et al.,
Ten M. persicae insects were placed on the
abaxial face of organic kale leaf discs measuring 4.5
cm in diameter (repetition). Essential oil was
sprayed on both sides of the leaf and the Petri dish
was closed with its own lid.