DAN: (Taking the book) I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
CARTER:Dan, you listened to Simon. Did he tell the truth?
DAN: yes, of course he did.
CARTER: Did you see Jim hit your friend in the disco?
DAN:yes, I did.
CARTER: and after that, did you see Jim go out?
DAN: yes. The girl, Mary, went out first. Jim went later. We stayed, and went out ten minutes after Jim.
CARTER: and when you went out, did you see Jim or Mary?
Dan: No. we got in the car and drove away.
CARTER: all right, thank you. Wait there.
He sits down, and MS Wills stands up.
MS WILLS: when Jim hit Simon, did Mary laugh at him?
Dan: Well, yes.
MS WILLS: Mary laughed at Simon?
DAN: Yes.
MS WILLS: So then Simon was angry with Mary, but you were both afraid of Jim. is that right?
DAN: Well, perhaps, yes.
MS WILLS: Yes. So you waited in the disco. You were angry with Mary. She went out of the disco, and Jim wasn’t with her. So you and Simon followed her in the car.
DAN: No, we didn’t