In the literature, apart from the above studies, these are some of the studies that related with SBM and the dynamic DEA. Emrouznejad (2003) provided an alternative DEA model based on several periods. This model is useful for DMUs with capital input. The dynamic efficiency results should reflect reality better than those based on static DEA models. Emrouznejad and Thanassoulis (2005) developed a method for assessing the performance of DMUs when their input-output levels are characterized by inter-temporal dependencies. The scholars suggested that dynamic models capture efficiency better than static models. Amirteimoori (2006) developed a new DEA with dynamic revenue efficiency. He showed that a convex combination of these period measures make up the efficiency of entire periods. Tone and Tsutsui (2010) developed a slack-based measure (SBM) framework called dynamic SBM. They classified carry-overs into four categories: desirable (good), undesirable (bad), free, and fixed. The authors developed dynamic SBM models that can evaluate the overall efficiency of decision-making units for entire terms as well as term efficiencies. Lotfi and Poursakhi (2012) developed a model for evaluating the relative efficiency of units that have time-dependent input-output. The model was