According to the composite structure characteristic of alter-nately soft and hard of shell nacreous layer, the bionic compositematerial was successfully fabricated using SHS reaction in the40 wt.% Cu–Ti–B4C system during the austenite manganese steelcasting. Fig. 5a shows the interface micrographs between the unitregion and manganese steel matrix region in the fabricated bioniccomposite material. It can be seen that good metallurgy bondingbetween the unit region and steel matrix in the bionic compositematerial was presented. The unit region exhibits the fewestmacro-pores and blowholes. It reveals that near fully dense bioniccomposite material can be successfully fabricated. Due to thehigh combustion temperature, the gas evaporation and impurityrelease would be violent in the SHS reaction. Consequently, gaschannels and open cracks can form in the reactants, resulting inpresence of the macro-pores and blowholes in the composites.