Figure 2. Application flow
Service will invoke the application automatically on booted.
Location server constantly delivers the location information to
mobile every 3 seconds. Based on this communication with the
backend server for displaying corresponding task is established.
Location application will get the task input from user and will
listen for location changes. The new co-ordinates are passed to
service routine written for handling task. Following are the
benefits of task application
•Adding and editing task
•Storing task in SQLite database
•Tracking and displaying location
•Viewing retail discount information
•Retrieving information on mobile device
•Task around few Km displayed as alert
A. Service Invocation
Service running in background will track the user location
continuously. Android Software Development Kit (SDK) does
not provide a special intent that will listen for changes in
location.Broadcast Receiver listens for BOOT_COMPLETED
event. Therefore once the device is booted on, the location
service is invoked automatically using our service routine.
Permission has to be set in the Android Manifest file as shown in
the Fig 3.