Leaping forward towards Piggy, I charged my attack for 0.2 seconds while I was flying through the air and sent a Lv 5 [Wind Blade] right onto Piggy’s shoulders. I followed up immediately with a normal attack, depriving him of any chance to regain his health!
He died right away. Piggy, being a Musketeer, added most of his stats to Agility and as a result, his health couldn’t be higher than 1100. With such low health, he couldn’t possibly take on my attacks.
Kicking Piggy’s corpse away, I turned to check on Baby Bobo. Baby Bobo had been bombarded by the sole Mage for a while and was left with barely 10% health. I hurriedly cast [Heal] on him to raise his health.
Up in the air, several Wind Elf Healers stare at the scene, shocked, “We… What should we do… We…”
There wasn’t any chance for them to slip a heal in between my attacks. At most, they could only cast buffs such as [Encourage]. Amongst them, there was a Lv 40 Healer with the second job upgrade. Looking at the players on the ground, he couldn’t help but ask, “Should I revive brother Piggy?”
The one remaining Mage immediately replied, “Don’t revive him, we have already lost. All our other Mages are already dead and we can’t kill Xiao Yao Zi Zai like this. His equipment is simply too good. Inform the others of his coordinates so our guild leader can bring some men over. With over a hundred people, we can definitely kill Xiao Yao Zi Zai in an instant!”