Animals keep themselves clean in different
ways.Dogs usually get clean by scratching themselves.
This gets rid of the loose hairs.They don't like a water
bath often on them.
Too much water makes a dog's skin dry and it may crack.
When children take a bath, they sometimes
forget to clean their ears.But bats don't forget
Their ears must always be clean because bats
find their way by listening to sounds.
A bat puts the thumb of its winged front
"hand" in its ear and twists it around to loosen
the dirt. The rest of its.body is kept spotless
with its long pink tongue.
1.Dogs usually clean themselves by.....
1.taking a bath
2.their tongues
4.combing with claws
2.Too much water makes a dog's skin dry and it may crack.
The word"it"means......
3.The efe4ct that water has on dogs is that.... destroys the dog's hair makes the skin too moist makes the skin liess moist doesn't let the loose hair out
4.....uses its thumb to loosen the dirt-in its ears.
1.A child
2.A dog
3.An animal
4.A bat
5.Bats find their ways by....
1.using their ears
2.using their eyes
3.using their wings
4.using their tongues