The Lancet (857)
Journal of Dairy Science (516)
Fuel and Energy Abstracts (506)
Carbon (451)
Bioresource Technology (421)
Food Chemistry (416)
Journal of Hazardous Materials (376)
Atherosclerosis (343)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (328)
Chemical Engineering Journal (290)
Fuel (279)
Scientia Horticulturae (255)
Nutrition Research (226)
Journal of Chromatography A (224)
Industrial Crops and Products (206)
Journal of Ethnopharmacology (174)
Water Research (156)
Chemosphere (153)
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (147)
Journal of Food Engineering
fatty acid (1,686)
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food (907)
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unite state (515)
carbon (472)
water (445)
patient (441)
activate (420)
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oil (351)
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india (311)
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langmuir (265)
sri lanka (249)