Fatty acid composition of the diets depended on the concentration of linseed and fish
oils. Hens of group E1 were fed diets containing 40% of n-6 PUFA (% of total FA),
whereas groups E2 and E3 had diets with n-6 PUFA in the amount of 37.71% and 33.17%,
respectively. Moreover, the n-3 PUFA content increased from 15.4% (group E1) to 18.51%
(group E2) and 21.74% (group E3). The highest content of α-LNA was determined in group
E3 (17.67%), followed by group E2 (14.29%) and group E1 (10.36%). When compared to
groups E2 and E3, EPA and DHA were present in a greater amount in group E1 due to a
higher concentration of fish oil in the diet. The ratios of n-6 PUFA/n-3 PUFA of groups E1,
E2 and E3 were similar, being 2.59, 2.04 and 1.53, respectively. Concentrations of some
dietary n-3 PUFA in our study are in accordance with results obtained by other authors that
also supplemented linseed oil and fish oil to hen diets (Rizzi et al. 2003; Mirghelenj et al.
2004; Huyghebaert et al. 2007; Schreiner et al. 2004).