When she asked him for the third time, he crashed his hand down on to the desk. 'Enough!' he shouted. Kay lowered her eyes and bit her lip. Finally, Michael said: 'All right. This one time. I'll let you ask me about my business.' 'Is it true?' she whispered. Michael looked at Kay. He stood completely still. Then he shook his head and softly answered: 'No.' Kay was so happy that she almost started crying. She ran up to her husband and hugged him. A few minutes later, she moved back and looked at him. 'I guess we both need a drink,' she tried to laugh. She left the office to get a drink. She was about to take the two glasses back into the room when she saw several men entering the office from another door. One of them was Pete Clemenza, the funny little fat man she had first seen dancing at Connie's wedding many years before. She watched in silence as