Seagrass habitat structure influences epifaunal density, diversity, community composition and survival, but covariation of structural elements at multiple scales (e.g., shoot density or biomass per unit area, patch size, and patch configuration) can confound studies attempting to correlate habitat structure with ecological patterns and processes. In this study, we standardized simulated seagrass shoot density and bed area among artificial seagrass beds in San Diego Bay, California, USA to evaluate the singular effect of seagrass bed configuration (“patchiness”) on the density and diversity of seagrass epifauna. Artificial seagrass beds all were 1 m2, but were composed of a single large patch (“continuous” treatment), four smaller patches (“patchy” treatment), or 16 very small patches (“very patchy” treatment). We allowed epifauna to colonize beds for 1 month, and then sampled beds monthly over the next 3 months. Effects of seagrass bed patchiness on total epifaunal density and species-specific densities were highly variable among sampling dates, and there was no general trend for the effects of fragmentation on epifaunal densities to be positive or negative. Epifaunal diversity (measured as Simpson's index of diversity) was highest in very patchy or patchy beds on two out of the three sampling dates. Very patchy beds exhibited the highest dissimilarity in community composition in the first two sampling periods (August and September), but patchy beds exhibited the highest dissimilarity in the third sampling period (October). Our results indicate that seagrass patch configuration affects patterns of epifaunal density, diversity, and community composition in the absence of covarying bed area or structural complexity, and that patchy seagrass beds may be no less valuable as a habitat than are continuous seagrass beds. The spatial pattern employed when harvesting or planting seagrass may influence epifaunal habitat use and should be a key consideration in restoration plans.