the relevant Subscription Offerings but that Google will not pay Provider any Subscription Revenues.
5.6 Multiple Claimants. If one or more Google content providers claim a portion of Monetized Content for monetization through the Content ID system, Provider will receive a pro rata share of the Subscription Revenues that would otherwise be due, with such pro rata share to be determined by Google in its reasonable discretion.All claimants to a piece of content will be paid out of the same Content Pool for Subscription Revenues.
5.7 Payments. Google will pay Provider any Subscription Revenues due in accordance with the payment terms set forth in the Agreement.
5.8 Reporting for Subscripti on Offeri ngs. Within thirty (30) days of the end of each month, Google will provide Provider with usage reports in the form generally made available to providers at such time. Such reports will contain at a minimum , on a per clip basis for all content: (i) the total views or watchtime (as applicable) and revenue generated for the month;
(ii) the daily views or watchtime (as applicable) revenue generated; and (iii) the total views or watchtime (as applicable) generated on a territory-by-territory basis.
6. Other Agreements. For avoidance of doubt, to the extent that Provider enters or
entered into a Subscription Content Amendment or Commerce Content Addendum , the terms of
that amendment will govern the products described th rein (including paid channel subscriptions) and the terms of this Subscription Offerings Addendum govern all other
subscription products. If there is a Sound Recording and Audiovisual Agreement or other music
specific content license agreement in force between the parties at any time, the terms of such music agreement will supersede the music-specific provisions of this Subscription Offerings Addendum .
CONFIDENTlAL - DMS Template ID:3848135 (v2.1) - pg. 20