First post in this forum... mostly out of frustration, I'm sorry to start on a downer here.
I have required an addition of a data pack to my mobile plan for 2 months and I now need to cancel it in 2 days from now as I will leave the country for a few months and won't be needing it anymore. It's a $60 for 8Gb pack.
I have logged in to where I made the initial order of the data pack but can't find any way to now remove / cancel the data pack. So, I followed the 'help and support' section which directed me to call 132200, I did this and was directed to an unanswered line.
I am trying not to make a 2 hour journey from where I live to ask for this to be cancelled in a Telstra shop...
Is there anybody who can direct me to the online version of the cancellation request, failing that a way to call and get a person who can cancel the data pack for me?
I simply don't want to be billed again for it each month whilst I'm OS.
Thank you for any advice.