The function patterns have exactly the same aspect for
all CQR Codes and are divided into: (a) quite zone; (b)
finder patterns; and (c) separators. The quite zone is the 4-
module white area that surrounds the code on all four sides.
Finder patterns are the three identical symbols located at
the upper-left, upper-right and lower-left corners of the code
and are used for correct image positioning at the decoder.
Separators are the 1 × 8 or 8 × 1-module elements that
separates encoding region and finder patterns. The encoding
region contains information and redundancy bits. Figure 2
illustrates the above described CQR Code elements.
From the 2401 (49 × 49) modules, 192 are inside the
standard region and 2209 are inside the encoding region.
Since each module represents 2 bits, we have 4418 bits
available, from which 1024 are information bits and 3392
are redundancy bits. Two bits (1 module) are left unused