As stresses that a key role of marketing managers is to
influence and, wherever possible, to manage demand: ‘The
more an organization knows about its customers and prospective
customers – their needs and desires, their attitudes and
behaviour – the better it will be able to design and implement
the marketing efforts required to stimulate their purchasing
decisions.’ This article explains that market segmentation is
the process whereby businesses organize their knowledge of
current and potential customer groups and select for particular
attention those whose needs and wants they are best able to
supply with their products, both now and in the future.
In other words, because it is increasingly impossible to deal
with all customers on a mass consumption or ‘one size fits all
basis,’ market segmentation is the practical expression in
business of the theory of consumer orientation.
As stresses that a key role of marketing managers is toinfluence and, wherever possible, to manage demand: ‘Themore an organization knows about its customers and prospectivecustomers – their needs and desires, their attitudes andbehaviour – the better it will be able to design and implementthe marketing efforts required to stimulate their purchasingdecisions.’ This article explains that market segmentation isthe process whereby businesses organize their knowledge ofcurrent and potential customer groups and select for particularattention those whose needs and wants they are best able tosupply with their products, both now and in the future.In other words, because it is increasingly impossible to dealwith all customers on a mass consumption or ‘one size fits allbasis,’ market segmentation is the practical expression inbusiness of the theory of consumer orientation.
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