1-Strongly agree, 2-Agree, 3-Neither agree nor disagree, 4-Disagree
5-Strongly disagree
All the A group travel agencies operating in Fethiye town centre were invited to
take part in the study. The fieldwork which started in November 2012 lasted
February 2013. Some travel agency managers were not co-operative hence 6
questionnaires did not return. 46 responses were received, achieving a response
rate of 88.4%. The data collected from the field was edited, coded and processed
using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.
Frequency analysis was conducted to examine demographic characteristics of the
managers and travel agencies.Independent Samples t test was used to determine
whether there was a difference on the answers between incoming travel agencies
and the ones that were not incoming, travel agencies which have human resource
department and the ones that have not and gender of managers.One way Anova