[Lyzenga, 1978; Dierssen et al., 2003; Stumpf et al., 2003]. Band ratio methods make an assumption that different bottom albedoes at the same depth have the same ratio and, when rescaled using known bathymetry values, pro- vide an approximation of depth. [13] For this study, the ratio of the blue and green pixel intensities (denoted as B1:B2) from 12 Landsat (Table 3) scenes covering the Torres Strait and the northern Great Barrier Reef were compared to AHS bathymetric data. For each Landsat scene, pixels that had colocated bathymetric data were identified. The average ratio of B1:B2, for each 1 m of depth, from 1 to 20 m, was then calculated. The resulting data sets provided an estimation of how B1:B2 changed with depth over each Landsat scene. Scene-specific algorithms, based on second-order polynomials, were then calculated to estimate depth in each scene (Table 3). Owing to the increasing attenuation of light with increasing depth, the relationship between B1:B2 and depth is asymptotic in optically deep water, (i.e., no signal from the seabed will be received by the satellite). The depth at which this asymptote occurs is variable between the Landsat scenes (Table 3) but generally occurs at 15 m. This marks the maximum depth down to which bathymetry can be estimated by this technique. [14] The application of passive remote-sensing techniques to bathymetric mapping requires shallow and clear water, minimal changes in bottom type, and no atmospheric con- tamination. Concentrations of turbidity and chlorophyll are assumed to be variable (though not directly measured) in all the scenes and would account for some of the variability in the algorithms used to convert B1:B2 to bathymetry. Regions within Landsat scenes that were observed to be highly turbid (particularly northern Torres Strait and costal regions around northern Australia) were masked out of the analysis to limit the influence of terrestrial runoff. As a result, a good correlation was observed between measured depths and B1:B2 (r2 > 0.97 typically). This technique was not extended to the Gulf of Papua because of the high turbidity in the region, the greater depths involved, and the lack of adequate bathymetric data in clear waters.