5. Service Quality and Customer loyalty :
5.1 Service Quality:
Many definitions addressed the service concept , American Society for Marketing has defined service as
"The activities or benefits offered for sale or offered due to its association with specific commodity
"(Azzam,2008).Kotler & Armstrong,(2004) defined service as "any activity or benefit provided by one party to
another party which is basically intangible and does not lead to any ownership,". Lovelock,( 2004) defined
service as" perceived benefit by senses, either alone, or associated with something physical tangible and is
interchangeable nor entail ownership, and mostly intangible. Zeithmanl( (2000) argues that services are acts,
operations, and achievements or actions, therefore, services include all economic activities that their outputs are
not physical products.
In general services are consumed at time of production and provide added value and are intangible by
their first purchaser. Service has some characteristics such as, intangibility, heterogeneity inseparability and
With regard to service quality concept from personal concept perspective it is determined by customer
perception on how product to satisfies the needs because most studies focused on this perspective, the so-called
perceived quality, and in this context service quality has been defined as" standard level of service actual
performance that match with customers expectations. Gronroos (1984) defined service quality as “a result o
evaluation process made by the customer between his expectations and actual perceived service.