[Quite heartless. But, it wouldn’t be interesting otherwise. More than the world, allow me to tell you it’s good. I await the day when that clarified face is dyed in red from longing for me]
[That day will never come throughout all of eternity. …..Or rather, don’t you already have an Empress?]
[What about it? Are you dissatisfied as a concubine? Fumu, there are a variety of problems when you become the legal wife……]
[I didn’t mean it that way! You’d place your hands on other woman other than the Empress…..]
[What are you saying? I’m the Emperor? 10 or 20 concubines are normal]
[Gu~......that’s right. A, anyways, I will not become his Majesties. Please give up]
[Ma~a, since you won’t be returned by God anymore, you’ll probably be stuck in this world for a while, I suppose I should take my time to convince you. Kuku, prepare yourself, Shizuku]
It appears that Gaharudo really likes Shizuku. As expected of a greedy Emperor, he won’t give up even when he’s been refused. His sharp eyes were completely locked onto Shizuku. Though Shizuku looks away with an expression that seemed to hate him from the bottom of her heart, she also seemed to not care at all.
Then, at that time, the direction that Shizuku looked in, by chance, aligned with Hajime’s sight. From Hajime’s glance at that time, [As expected of the worldly-wise man (laughs)] a color of amusement and interest was clearly included.
The angered Shizuku just used her finger to play with the sugar cubes that were prepared for her tea. Although it wasn’t as strong as Hajime’s, the sugar cube flew with excellent power, it’s aim was accurately flying towards Hajime’s hateful face……
However, it wasn’t a direct hit, it flew into Hajime’s mouth and was caught. ~Mogo Mogo~ Hajime’s mouth moved around with an air of flamboyant pride, after the sweetness of the sugar cube was firmly satisfied, he swallowed it. Shizuku’s face was mortifying, however Hajime’s was clarified.
When Gaharudo saw her in such a state, he turned his sharp glance back at Hajime. It seemed to convey a variety of things.
[Fu~n, this is quite the interesting situation. …...Hajime Nagumo. Though I have a mountain of questions that I want to ask you, first of all, answer this]
[Ah? what is it…….]
[You, have you already embraced*sex being implied* my Shizuku?]
[ [ [ [Bufu~u--!?] ] ] ]
To Gaharudo who abruptly asked such an unexpected question with an eager expression, several people including Shizuku blew out air.