A. The Discloser (including its advisors and consultants) possesses, and as a result of its participation in, or preparation for, the Project has disclosed, created or generated innovative proposals and valuable information, including technical, commercial and financial knowledge, designs, experience and data of a secret and confidential nature relating to the Project which are regarded by the Discloser as assets of considerable value (“information”).
B. During the course of the Project, the Discloser (including its advisors and consultants) is likely to disclose, create or generate further valuable information including technical, commercial and financial knowledge, designs, experience and data of a secret and confidential nature relating to, or for use in respect of, the Project which the Discloser would regard to be assets of considerable value (“future information”).
C. The Discloser has disclosed information and is willing to disclose future information to the Recipient providing that the Recipient does not disclose the information or the future information to a third party nor make use of it in a manner except as set out below.