Mr. watnatapat mongkolsuttikul,
To ensure the security of your account and funds, we need to verify with you that a wire withdrawal had been requested from your account. Given we have no recent outgoing wire history with this account we prefer to receive confirmation from our customer before disbursing funds. In some instances, as an additional security measure, we may also request a bank statement. Please call us or log into chat to confirm so that we can process the wire.
Please note that we cannot accept verification via email.
Please contact customer service at 312.630.3300 or via the Live Help chat icon and they will be able to provide assistance. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Andrew Smolenski
Manager ā?" Operations/Cash Management
T: 888.280.8020
T: 312.630.3300
F: 312.629.5256
311 W. Monroe St. Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60606