6 years to whom I plan to get married to next year, for a guy I've only known for 6 months but felt instantly attracted to?
Details: I am physically attracted to my Mr. 6 years and not Mr. 6 months. Mr. 6 months is passionate but not at all physically attractive. But still i am attracted to him because of the following:
1. 6m and i think alike. Our beliefs are almost the same. While My mr. 6 years is a cautious individual. Mr 6m is more adventurous like me.
2. Both treat me well. Discounting the fact that mr 6m treats me like a princess ( coz he likes me) (and i have a great physical chemistry with My mr. 6y.)
3. Mr. 6m sees right through me. While with my Mr. 6 y ..i have to explain my actions and clarify my position. (I dont mind, as i am sometimes unable to express myself clearly)
4. Yes, Mr. 6m is new. And new is always exciting. But i know that.
5. My mr. 6y is a very nice sweet principled guy, who is mostly not around. But makes up for it with all the genuineness and gestures he can. But i have to take care of myself. But mr. 6m is a pro active individual and tries to bring smile to my face.. treats my problems as his and cares a lot. And i like being taken care of for a change.
(and i am 28 yr old)