11. I understand that the Program is designated as a full year program with the possibility to extend for a further six (6), nine (9) or twelve (12) months. I confirm
receiving information about the optional Extended Insurance coverage, including a copy of the general conditions booklet. If I extend after my first program
year, I will be contacted regarding the activation of Extended Insurance coverage for my extension term under a new policy. Should I voluntarily decide to
return home before the regular end date of my program (including extension period) I understand that my flight will not be paid for by CC. The exception
to this will be in cases of my own extreme illness or the extreme illness or a death in my immediate family. Should I terminate or be terminated from the
Program for any reason as outlined in this agreement, such termination will result in the following:
a) I will forfeit the return ticket and I will be required to make my own arrangements to return to my home country at my own expense; and b) My CC
insurance coverage will no longer be valid and no part of it refunded other than the additional month optional insurance; and c) My status will be reported
to U.S. Immigration and my participation in the au pair program will be canceled. d) CC will not provide me with housing in the USA.