According to Hymes the term “Ethnography of Communication “is deciphered the necessary scope, and encourage the doing, of studies ethnographic in basis ,and communicative in the range and kind of patterned complexity with which they
deal. Dell Hymes proposed a general method of Ethnographic descriptive fieldwork (Hymes: 1972b).He was careful to point out that ‘sociolinguistic fieldwork is not an end in itself, but rather ‘a necessary part of the progress toward models (structural and generative) of sociolinguistics description, formulation of universal sets of features and relations, and exploratory theories” (1972; 43). In analyzing the socio/cultural image of a language is effectively cultivated by the use of Dell Hymes ‘Ethnography of communication’. It is the best cognitive tool of Ethnography and Communication research. In this regard Bonvillain (2003) had done Hymes approach in analyzing conversation.
done Hymes approach in analyzing conversation.