I fear alot of things now. Even God at times. But i fear going to sleep mostly i guess and going out and being around people. Sleep cause of the night mares and night terrors and panic attacks. People and being around them ..is/are difficult for me to say or even think about now. The thought of being around people terrifys me and i thought that was what God wanted me to do! Turns out God really doesnt care as long as im with Him. I mean just cause im by myself doesnt mean im alone …see?? Nightmares and night terros panic attacks keep me from sleeping and going out pretty much. I had a question the other day about some of these wicked horrific religious nightmares…seems everyone has an opinion but someone told me in the chat room that maybe God was trying to show me something through the nightmares and all. she said “maybe God is trying to show you how much you need HIm” I never looked at it that way before but it sure got me thinking !!! Fear can be a good thing but i guess it can be pretty bad too. Ditto o the videos i can t down load any of em on my computer but its cool just in case someone needs to see something other than the writing or written word :)