Chloe’s parents were architects.
Her father used to say that just like house is inhabited by people, it needs to be harmonious with nature. Chloe couldn’t know the meaning of it, but her father’s face while saying those words were really cool to her. Because the job of architect was like a dream for her, when for other children it was really boring.
However, that dream didn’t last long. Because the family she believed would last long, broke.
Even if her parents could harmonise the house and nature, they couldn’t do so for wife and husband. Even after Chloe could graduate from primary school, the loud voices of them finally brought up the divorce documentation. The custody of the child was taken by her mother, Diana Jong, so Chloe Crook became Chloe Jong since then.
Diana was originally busy, but since then she got home really late. She didn’t want her child to not live a normal life for being a child of a divorced family. That’s why she let her do whatever she wanted like martial arts, horse riding, swimming, karate, etc. Maybe it could be something Diana wished for. That her child was living soundly, and that she wanted to believe in that.