The broad development of static characters into multi-media dynamic mascots with
high web-based appeal is also evident via the web site created for the 2012 London
Olympic Games. Visitors to the site can direct the activities of the mascots, Wenlock and
Mandeville, through a voting system, see pictures and videos featuring the mascots
engage in a process of communication with the mascots and even design their own
mascots (London 2012 Mascots, 2012). This array of communication channels contributes
strongly to the advertising and promotion of the London Games by providing a
personalized experience and a raft of visual cues. Needless to say, the site also capitalizes
on the many commercial opportunities mascots provide through merchandizing. There is
a wide range of specially created, mascot shaped, or adorned products available to
purchase through the on-line shop. This “closed-loop” system, whereby visitors are
introduced to the mascots, allowed to develop emotional attachments to them, the Games,
and city they represent, and finally purchase merchandise bearing their likeness, has
become the norm in sophisticated sports marketing